In a back and forth battle Team Swageinteiger beat Pretty Boy Swag 3-2. The winner takes home $700 and Pretty Boy Swag takes home $300 for their second place finish.
We wish both teams all the best in the future and we hope you tune in for Season 3!
Here’s what some around the Dota 2 Community had to say about the Dota 2 BEAT Invitational™!
Swageinteiger is the new hope of South America 😛
— Brian Lee (@LiquidFLUFF) January 15, 2014
GG WP. Congrats to Swageinteiger for winning @Dota2Canada Cup Season 2. — Team eHug (@team_eHug) January 15, 2014
Probably my favorite part of the Dota 2 pro scene is how global it is. No country owns it and there are competitors everywhere. — ScienceGroen (@ScienceGroen) January 15, 2014
Swageinteiger (Brazil) wins #Dota2 BEAT Invitational™ and $700 in their 3-2 victory over Pretty Boy Swag (USA), who take $300 for 2nd place.
— NADotA (@NADotA2) January 15, 2014